Review Requests

If you're a manufacturer or dealer of hardware and you would like us to review one of your products on our site, do feel free to send an email to for further discussion. All products we review will be kept by us once the review is completed.

In all our reviews, we clearly display who supplies the product for review in each page of the article, so whether you are a manufacturer or a store, you will get very visible credit right on the reviews! Our reviews are read by hundreds of thousands of enthusiasts, overclockers, computer hobbyists, and even regular Joe's or first-time users interested in buying hardware. Our readership is worldwide so having your product here gives immense exposure.

Sending a product does not guarantee a positive review. All reviews are conducted on a true and fair basis and we will publish what conclusions we reach. Nothing "persuades" our decision on a product besides the product itself. reviewers, and its senior staff will not be held responsible for hardware sent to us that is damaged or broken during the review process. This is an overclocking and modding site — we will probably want to mod your hardware in some way or form eventually, or we will be overclocking or testing it vigorously. It might be a heat sink upgrade on a video card, or a full-blown hacked computer case with a window and fans, or it might just be an aggressive overclock during testing.

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